‪(812) 624-5433‬(life) Fax (812) 269-1149 soulonboard.org@gmail.com
Above is a picture of one of the billboards you will see on one of 12 billboards in the MidSouth. 
Consider how the prolife message can reach hundreds and thousands each moment of every day.  Through the electronic media many are reached, but these messages aren’t even read by those most vulnerable to bullying by the evil which seeks to kill the unborn child.  Now consider the message of life, of hope and of support for the confused and frightened mother displayed on billboards around the city of Memphis!  This message cannot be deleted for ignored, It is larger than life and in all probability if the person sees it once they will see it again and again taking in life-giving information.  In fact one such billboards is blipping a message which is directly in the face of hypocrisy.  Abortion facilites do not allow mother’s to heart their child’s heartbeat during ultrasounds.  They know this sound manifest the truth that a child is there and not just a blob of tissue.  So what does the billboard encourage?  “Ask to hear your baby’s heartbeat.”  Our \ billboards are ‘blipping’ around the MidSouth.
How can this amazing thing happen?  It is with many people contributing small amounts.  We like to say “Many hands make light work”.   It may only be $5 or $10 a month, but it will be bring this to fruition. We believe that this dream which has become a reality will expand to even more vulnerable  parts of the city.  Eventually, we hope, that others will join us and this endeavor to  display the truth all over the country will indeed become a reality.  It cannot happen, though, without your help!
Please see belos our update video for our FB group. 
Not from the MidSouth?  See this page to learn how to get billoards rolling in your area. http://www.soulonboard.org/sponsor-a-billboard/